Thursday 11 April 2013

Social Media ... Where is it Going?
The creation of social media always makes me think of George Orwell's book 1984.  That book really hit me hard in high school and because of it I live my life in a rural community and enjoy my privacy when at home.  Am I starting to hide in corners? Perhaps I am as I don't want to put my GPS tracking system into action on my iPhone.  I don't want people knowing which store I purchased my last pair of jeans at and although I am a marketing guru in my own mind I don't want to be a part of the mall's GPS marketing inventions.  I just am not sure who really is watching me.  I am a good looking old lady after all.

Dimple Thakker CEO of Impresario of SYNERGY MARKETING is quoted as saying "Make sure you skip the promotional tone in your ad copy to build trust in with followers. This quote brings me to my work place of the library and how I ask our patrons what their favourite read of the weekend or if they have seen any good movies or TV shows.  This engages them in conversation and might also lead me to what we need to purchase to keep them coming throw our doors.  I am not invading their privacy but asking them questions that they choose to answer.  Sometimes I have to stop other employees from adding too much information that is overwhelming and pull them back to the basics of what social media's function is in our library.

I loved Melissa Brodsky the co-founder of Smart Savy Social's idea that a new network that concentrates on the advertiser's brand and not the Facebook brand.  She has a great point here and I often wonder if Facebook will be something we will laugh at in the future.

For the future I am intrigued by Google glasses and how Google acquired Neven Vision and is using it in the Picasa product to keep personal photos organized but do I want someone in a bar to find out if I am in a relationship or not because they lifted up their iPhone and scanned me like a barcode?  I am scared!!!  Posting pictures on airtags does impress me but I think as all this new technology really freaks me out I might live in a cabin way up north with a cane and a fireplace and perhaps a cat.

Web 3.0 I will confess seems like the most amazing new way of organizing our data but I was lost after the video I watched put down the Dewey Decimal system.  It is amazing how much data we already have on the internet and where it all comes from but my goal in life is to keep up to date as much as possible without being tracked by Aliens from another planet.  I hope I am successful and I hope that as our world changes every day that we still stop and smell the flowers and enjoy what we have now and not rely totally on the new way of life.  I will only wear my Google glasses when I can't find my rose coloured ones.


  1. Hello Vicki,
    Just a heads up to you, the GPS is not the function that allows outside parties to view your location and movement in relation to items such as spending habits. It is a hidden section that is a unique identifier of the device (UDID) that allows third party applications as well as Apple to monitor the device’s whereabouts. Unfortunately there is no way to avoid this although due to mounting pressure from various consumer groups, Apple is tightening restrictions to its use but that only pertains to new applications or updated agreements between applications and UDID. Apple is not the only one too; it is also present with their main competition in Google and their line of Android phones. To truly avoid detection we must do away with plenty of the conveniences that we have come to love such as our phones, or online banking to name just a few.
    I didn’t get the impression that the video put down the Dewey Decimal system, it only stated that the system wasn’t capable of effectively managing the enormous amounts of data that is multiplying at an alarming rate. I think they expressed with the concept of Web 3.0 that there needs to be a new system in place that will be able to decipher through the vast amount of data on the internet to bring to the user a more suitable representation of what is more pertinent to their query. Data on the web is by nature less structured and more raw and doesn’t lend well to the existing classification found in the Dewey Decimal system.
    I think in the end it is going to become increasingly difficult for you and I to maintain our privacy in our electronic endeavours no matter how hard we try. The current climate of online activity is not set up to limit the flow of information nor do I see that changing to our liking. It is an unfortunate consequence of “progress” that we will have to face as the future will bring less opportunity of going off the grid to maintain our comfort levels in relation to our privacy.

  2. Hi Vicki,
    I agree with you that social media is only setting off to get more prominent. There are such a large number of diverse social media locales; the prevailing one being Facebook. And like you stated, Facebook will undoubtedly lose individuals engage and individuals will switch to a diverse social media site. I feel like Facebook is as of recently fitting not as well known. Twitter is the new Facebook. Most individuals have as of recently switched their investment from Facebook to Twitter. And that is just the starting. Facebook will in all probability press on to lose individuals' investment, yet those individuals will just discover another social media site to get joined to rather than the in vogue Facebook.
    Even when I saw the commercial and introduction of Google glass I remained stunned, that was quite brilliant. Seriously future is going to be insane.

  3. Hi Vicki,

    I enjoyed reading your post. I am right there with you in very much of your thinking. As I was contemplating where social media might be heading I did consider the massive negatives that it brings right along with it. I was a little taken back with the idea that someone can lift up their iPhone and scan me like a barcode. Actually they would not be scanning me, they would somehow be connecting to a device that I have on my person – or are they scanning me? That possibility is very frightening. For the people who do want to stop and smell the roses and keep some privacy about themselves, it will become increasing important to safeguard and limit our personal information and activities from electronic platforms.
