Thursday 14 February 2013

Social Media Diet

My social media diet began on Saturday February 9th until Monday February 11th.  Friday Februrary 8th we were hit with a big storm for our area and I felt very shut in and alone as I live in a remote area. I kept quoting "Here's Johnny" from the movie The Shining. :)   My husband was away.  When I woke up Saturday I automatically wanted to go on Twitter and find out what happened in the GTA during the snow fall.  I held back and did 20 minutes of yoga.  I usually like to slide onto Facebook and put up some Zen type postings but instead read and then watched Dexter. I think I chose a great time for this exercise because I am not on social media sites that often during weekends but I did find knowing I couldn't touch it made me a bit jumpy.  Instead of checking statuses I called some really good friends and we enjoyed conversations without typing.

Friends and family knew I was off the World Wide Web so I met one friend for dinner and she stayed overnight.  We laughed the night away as we shared stories of our current lives. Somehow this social media diet has been a part of a life change to me.  That may sound odd but I opened my eyes to the reason I have so many friends.  I won't get into details but I did ask my husband to stay closer to his work place for a week.  Perhaps we needed a diet from each other.

I thought I was going to cheat once because I wasn't sure if I could play scrabble on my phone so instead of doing that I wrote the acknowledgements for my junior fiction novel I will be publishing soon. I realized I spend too much time on Facebook instead of doing other more important offline things such as writing.  I  have begun to start my day with yoga instead of Facebook and Twitter.

In the end, this exercise made re-examine my future and that may sound like a load of spreadable manure but it is the truth.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Sound like you really enjoyed your Social Media Sabbatical. Everyone needs a break whether it's from the net, being a couch potato, or a spouse. The diet was great for me also it felt like a cleanse all the impurities are out and I have learned a lesson from this that I will carry into the future and teach me kids. Everything in moderation.
