Tuesday 22 January 2013

Social Media - Fad or Fiction?

January 22, 2012

Like anything new and exciting Web 2.0 and Social Media caused people around the globe to become a part of a entity much bigger than they ever could have imagined.  I remember back in 1996 I met up with a group that was talking about their software engineering husbands and the Internet.  I so wish I gained more knowledge that day.  I would be a millionaire now.

The demographics of Social Media are changing but we still have to remember that 50% of our population is under 30 and they are the largest users of Twitter, Facebook, You Tube, Reddit, LinkedIn and many other social media applications that are growing daily.  Generation Y and Z consider email passe because they share their ideas within so many other sources. My son of 21 years of age only uses his email to save assignments and articles until they are needed to write a paper.  I started with Netscape and Web 1.0 and I created horrible websites and tried to funnel traffic to them and it was tedious and sometimes just not worth the hours of inputting.  "Buzz" marketing has always worked best for me.  This is why I have 612 friends on my Facebook page and friends of mine within the same demographic have 31 friends.  The creation of Social Media and idea sharing was very exciting to me.  If I want to get my product or point across I post something on my wall or tweet it and hope that others receive my vision and join with me in my daily mission in life. I have found this works very well.  It is like an endless conversation.

I enjoyed how Reddit caused such a stir bringing  Mr. Splashy Pants to life and it shows if you spend time and effort in a Social Media forum you can definitely get results.  Using humour and finding what grabs peoples attention creates a perfect platform.  This is why Social Media has become so lucrative as a marketing tool for businesses.  Think of how many freebies and coupons and funny commercials are printed, cut out and watched every day. Consumers are being interactive with companies and companies are interacting with individuals and  the potential customer may not be aware that they are a part of a demographic analysis. This article is an example how social media is changing how we shop. http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/tech/news/story/2012-08-05/future-retail-tech/56880626/1

My personal opinion about Social Media compared to the Industrial Revolution is just like industry, Social Media is not leaving us. The ability to share your ideas and learn instantaneously from the enormous user shared content out there is amazing but always keep in mind what you are sharing may not be yours when you load that video, share that picture or the comment that could get you fired.  Just like the Industrial Revolution http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Efq-aNBkvc everyone tends to join  the band wagon trying to make their millions or share their stories but remember how nice it was to leave work and not have your boss text you the agenda for the meeting next week.  Remember when you said something to a friend and it became hearsay when the rumour was spread. In today's society we are able to take pictures of our conversations and post them  for millions to view.  Children were used to make money at the beginning of the revolution and that is why Unions were formed.  What will we do to stop so much information being thrown at us that we have forgotten to live today to the fullest, away from our computers and mobile devices?

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Social Media at it's best

I added a status to my Facebook when I began this course. It read, "Not sure if I am social enough for the Social Media course I have registered in".  Many people commented with silly remarks because I live a very social life!